Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yesterday Cooper had his 6 month check up. As most of you have seen Cooper is quite the chunk! The nurse calls us back from the waiting room, she makes some baby talk with Coop and then asks me how old he is. I tell her he is 6 n-half months, she giggles and says, "are you sure?" Yes, he is, he just likes to eat ALOT, and his "rounder" head makes him look older. It was quite funny.
So this big baby weighs a whopping 17 lbs 9 oz (he is in the 42% of his age) and is 28 inches long (80% of his age)!
I was really glad that this would be the last round of shots for 6 months, until I get there and they say, "we are out of one shot so you will have to come back later this week for it." Crappit.
The nurse goes ahead and tries to give Coop the oral shot and he wouldnt have anything to do with it. He just rolled from one side to the other. The nurse handed me the tube and said, here you give it to him and Ill hold his head. He took it much better that time. He did really good with the other shot and only fake cried for a couple seconds.
Why its so nice to have your mom go run errands with you!
After we left the doctor, I had to go to the college and pick up some books for my classes. I had to park way way way out in bfe in mud and ice, and didnt want to carry the carseat to the bookstore. I figured that my books would be in a bag and pretty easy to carry, so I pulled Coop out of his seat, bundled him up, and carried him into the bookstore. I was wrong. My books were in a huge heavy box with no bag. As I was about to just tell the lady that I would come back another day, the nice man behinde me offered to carry them out to my car. I was sooo grateful, I really didnt want to come back for the books and I really needed them to study with. Now I know that if I have to pick something up that might or might not be a big item to take someone with me or leave Coop with someone, it will make things much much easier!

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