Friday, June 18, 2010

A few tidbits.

Well I just updated my blog clear back to easter. So if you want to read all about it keep scrolling.

I have been sooo busy lately I havent had time to do anything. I am counting down the days until July 29, and then I will be done with school forever! Finally! And then I will have more time to keep up on blogging.

The middle of April Trev got transferred to a different department. Now he works all. the. freakin. time! Last week he worked 100 hours. Ya thats not a typo or an exagerration. And it looks like this week will be the same. At least he gets his days off this week. Yay!

Cooper is almost walking. I am excited and scared at the same time. I am afraid that he will be more of a monster than he already is when he starts walking. Today he stood up out of the blue and took about 6 steps. He is a speed crawler. He can kick anyones trash at crawling! He loves dancing and groovin to the music. Anytime music is on tv, computer, phone he starts rockin to it. Balls and cars are his favorite. He pushes and chases them everywhere. He insists on feeding himself. If i feed him something he spits it out into his hand and then proceeds to feed himself. He does this with gooey slimy food too like mashed tatos, applesauce, oatmeal, you get the idea. I am loving watching him grow and develop everyday. I am so glad I am able to stay at home with him.

Very, very, BAD haircut.

Cooper's hair grows so fast that we usually cut it once a month. Well last weekend it was starting to look really shabby and trev had a couple hours off so he decided to cut it. Normally coop loves it and holds perfectly still while watching in the mirror. Not this time! He kept turning his head and moving, trying to grab the razor. It was a mess. I turned the water on thinking that maybe he would get distracted and kick his feet in the water. Nope. He decided to sit completely in the water. With clothes on. I told trev to just give up and we would fix it later....sorry the pictures are so bad and blurry. He would not hold still....
I am determined to get his hair fixed by Sunday!

See Cooper Run.

I love these. They make me laugh every time.


So far this summer we have been doing lots of swimming! We decided to get coop a little pool so he can play in something besides the bath. He loves it! He just splashes and laughs. And the pool is so small that he can crawl out of it and play on the grass for a bit and then crawls back in when he is ready for a lil swim...I have some video of playing in the pool, but for now all you get is pics...

Grand Pianist

Cooper is quite the pianist. These pictures were taken back in march when coop just barely started playing. Now he is quite the professional! Now he stands at the piano, shakes his little booty while he plays, and sings. It is quite the show. I really need to take pictures and a video of this, but lately I have been forgetting my camera and videocam when I have been going to my moms...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How many easter eggs can you stuff in a onesie?

Yea, I know easter was over 2 months ago, but I never got around to posting.

My poor son doesn't stand a chance when aunt kourtni is around. My mom had just bought a gazillion bags of plastic easter eggs for coop to play with. He loves playing with these eggs, he carries them all over the house. I finally threw most of them away because I was tired of stepping on half of them. Anways back to the original story...kourt started stuffing these easter eggs in his onesie. I was suprised that he just sat there and let her, usually he is screaming a fit trying to get away. Then after he was completely stuffed he crawled around with them like it was no big deal. I'm not too sure how many eggs were in his onesie...we forgot to count, but we put a bag or two in there..and here he is in his easter get-up


Cooper plays on the fireplace hearth about 80% of the day. It is his favorite thing. He crawls back and forth on it like he is guarding the fireplace or something. He pulls all of his car onto it and drives them back and forth. The other day he was squatting on the edge of the hearth and my sister said, "hey, he looks like a gargoyle." I tried to snap a quick pic but he moved to quickly. But, here are some of him just playin on his favorite spot...
And if you even think to sit on his hearth, be prepared to get your face ripped off!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What happend with us in March...

So I am absolutely terrible at this blogging thing! I have about a months worth of stuff to post, but never think about it when i'm at the computer. So here's a little of whats going on...also, this post will have zero pictures because im laying in bed and too lazy to go to the desktop...

We started the month off by heading to St. George. It was the first time I had been back there since college and it really reminded me of how much I missed the town. Its grown so so much since i've been there and the weather was wonderful!! We went down for my cousin Brandon's wedding. I photographed the wedding and I really enjoyed it. They were very laidback and just went with the flow. No stress, no drama, no bridezilla!

The next weekend was Caleb's mission farewell. I can't believe how fast the time went from when he got his call. He is really enjoying being in the MTC and learning alot, he will depart to New Hampshire on the 5th of April.

Cooper started crawling when we were in St. George, and he also got his first tooth while we were there too! He now has two bottom teeth. He is starting to pick up his speed when he crawls, but usually wipes out. This kid has absolutely no fear! He climbs on everything!! He can pull himself up, but doesnt think he has to hold onto anything when he is standing, and it normally ends up as a wipe out. You would think he would learn after hundreds of nose dives. At least we have not had any major accidents yet, and hopefully stays like that!!

I will try and post some pictures tomorrow if I get some free time!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Dont we all love a little bedhead!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

7 months old!

My little Cooper is 7 months old today! I can't believe it. I can't believe how fast he is growing, and how much he is changing from day to day. Here is a little of what Cooper can do:

He is pretty much sitting all on his own.
He is constantly rolling from back to stomach and stomach to back.
He is starting to push up onto his knees. (this scares me alot!)
He loves to eat, Squash is his favorite.
He now realizes when someone walks out of a room or is standing, it is an instant scream.
He is starting to reach for people.
Cells phones are his favorite, sorry if any of you get random texts or calls that dont make sense.
He is the cutest little boy ever!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yesterday Cooper had his 6 month check up. As most of you have seen Cooper is quite the chunk! The nurse calls us back from the waiting room, she makes some baby talk with Coop and then asks me how old he is. I tell her he is 6 n-half months, she giggles and says, "are you sure?" Yes, he is, he just likes to eat ALOT, and his "rounder" head makes him look older. It was quite funny.
So this big baby weighs a whopping 17 lbs 9 oz (he is in the 42% of his age) and is 28 inches long (80% of his age)!
I was really glad that this would be the last round of shots for 6 months, until I get there and they say, "we are out of one shot so you will have to come back later this week for it." Crappit.
The nurse goes ahead and tries to give Coop the oral shot and he wouldnt have anything to do with it. He just rolled from one side to the other. The nurse handed me the tube and said, here you give it to him and Ill hold his head. He took it much better that time. He did really good with the other shot and only fake cried for a couple seconds.
Why its so nice to have your mom go run errands with you!
After we left the doctor, I had to go to the college and pick up some books for my classes. I had to park way way way out in bfe in mud and ice, and didnt want to carry the carseat to the bookstore. I figured that my books would be in a bag and pretty easy to carry, so I pulled Coop out of his seat, bundled him up, and carried him into the bookstore. I was wrong. My books were in a huge heavy box with no bag. As I was about to just tell the lady that I would come back another day, the nice man behinde me offered to carry them out to my car. I was sooo grateful, I really didnt want to come back for the books and I really needed them to study with. Now I know that if I have to pick something up that might or might not be a big item to take someone with me or leave Coop with someone, it will make things much much easier!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My high hopes for 2010...

I usually dont set New Years resolutions, but this year I am going to try...

1.) Graduate from college...(I only have 1 class left so this should be pretty easy)
2.) Complete my medical transcriptionist certificate with an 85% or higher...
3.) Get organized...(I have terrible organization skills and just have piles of junk everywhere)
4.) Loose 10lbs before our vegas/ trip in march....(pretty much have accomplished this already since ive done nothing but puke my guts up all night and day)
5.)Purchase a house...
6.) Make at lease one craft a month...just because its fun!
7.) Learn how to work Adobe Illustrator and InDesign...

So there are my hopes for 2010!

December 2009

December was not the best month for us, it was very stressful and i'm glad to see it gone! We had a really good Christmas, and spent lots of time with our families. Treven got all the electronic crap he wanted, and I got lots of fun stuff to redecorate my living room. I have wanted to redo my living room for a while but couldnt decide on how, so my mom just went ahead and picked out stuff. Cooper got way more toys than our house could hold so most of those were left at grandma and grandpa's houses.

A couple days after Christmas both of our families have passed around a nasty stomach bug, and I woke up with it again today, its really not fun!.

On the 30th Treven and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. For our anniversary we had planned on going to Orlando with my family, but decided to cancel since I am not working anymore. So we had outback and watched season two of heroes. (I dont recommend season 2 it was lame, but season 1 was good and so far we have liked season 3). Trev suprised me with some charms for my pandora bracelet, I am lame and didnt get him anything, because we had agreed that christmas was enough. I had planned to get him a new wedding ring since he lost his, but he didnt want one--so maybe for valentines he will get one.

Pretty much that was December at our house--not to exciting, but we are ready for the new year!