For the past couple weeks Cooper has been really onary, and decided that he doesnt want to nap anymore. This makes him REALLY cranky, and he just whines and rubs his eyes. So the other day my mom was babysitting, She was also having a relief society meeting at her house, and making handouts for the RS Christmas party. She really needed him to lay down and take a nap so she could get her stuff down. She put him on the couch and gave him a bottle. He refused the bottle. So she decided to try and give him a bottle of water. He happily took the water and and chewed on the nipple. He talked and played for about 20 minutes she said, and then he was really quite for about 45 minutes. She thought he had fallen asleep. He then started talking again so she went over to check on him and found....
A soaken wet baby, couch, and blanket
An empty bottle down by his feet
and a bottle nipple above his head
She did not take a picture of this and I was really upset about that, but I did sit on the wet couch and that wasn't too pleasant. My mother also blames the incident on me because she said that she took the water out of my bag and it wasnt tightly screwed on. Even so, I do not know how he could of possibly got the nipple off. I just have one smart baby!
Oh boy! He's starting to be a little toot already. Garrett quit napping really young...I have no solutions. He did fall asleep in that cradle swing thing for about an hour but that's the only sleep he got at our house. I think he's just too much like his big cousin Garrett.