Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Growth Chart...

So we are hoping that one day Cooper will not take after his parents and be short. Instead we are hoping that he will take after his Aunt Kourtni or Uncle Tarren and be on the Tall side. So we have decided to use Kourt as his growing chart and keep track of his progress...

here coop is about 2-3 weeks old and he measures just past kourts shoulder. In the future we will be more precise and stretch coops legs fully out but at the time this was taken I was to lazy to get off the couch and do it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our Coopster is One Month Old!!!!

Coop turned one month old last thursday!! I cant believe how fast and how much he has grown! Here are a few things about our little man...

---He HATES his crib!
---He is a wonderful sleeper!

---He is a snuggler
---He Loves baths in the tummy tub.

---He has a special "I'm going to poop" face or "I just pooped" face and its so stinkin cute!

(the poop face)

---He does not like to be wrapped up tight in blankets. He will kick and wiggle until his arms and legs are free.

---He has very strong legs which he uses to his advantage to wiggle himself away from me when I am trying to put lotion on him, get him dressed, or change his diaper.
---He can use his legs to rotate himself in circles
---He LOVES Motion!!! Especially his swing!

He is changing so much from day to day I cant believe it!

(3 weeks old. He looks so grown up I Love this pic!)